Agrilife Extension agent Bubba Lamolinare Give Monthly Report at Commissioners Court

by Eric


The Commissioners Court meet in regular session on Monday, August 29, where they addressed a short agenda.

Agrilife Extension agent Bubba Lamolinare was in attendance where he gave his August report on the many activities he had been doing. Among some of those activities was taking some 4-H students to purchase some rabbits and goats to raise and display during the upcoming stock shows. He also touched on conventions and meetings he has attended and will be attending in the future, including one in Louisiana in October.

Lamolinare said he had been helping with the upcoming Watermelon Round-Up that will be taking place on September 3 and will going to help pick up pallets of melons that will be used in the show. He also touched on numerous 4-H activities and informed the Commissioners he has over 40 students along with several parents involved in his program.

Following this report the Court unanimously approved a petition to Walsh Petroleum, Inc. for the right to bore, lay, construct, install, occupy, use, operate, maintain, repair, replace, or remove a pipeline under CR 260, in Sections 542 & 577, Block D, J.H. Gibson Survey, Yoakum County, Texas.

The Court was to review minutes for January, February, March, April, and May but due to internet problems the Commissioners did not have a chance to review these minutes. Upon the recommendation of County Clerk Debbie Rushing this item was tabled until the next meeting.

County Auditor Darinda McWhirter requested the Court’s approval to extend the vacation deadline for Belen Smelser to October 31, 2016. Her request was unanimously approved.

There were some computer related items approved to be disposed, no line item transfers, and no Soil Conservation request.

Commissioner Ray Marion said dirt work has started on the new Denver City Community Building, but that work has now been temporarily shut down because of the recent rains.

All bills and accounts against the County were approved for payment.

Commissioners Woody Lindsey, Ray Marion, Ty Earl Powell, and Tim Addison along with Judge Jim Barron were all in attendance.

Because of next Monday being Labor Day the next meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 6 at 10 am in the County Courthouse.




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