To Our Children’s Children

by admin

These are a few of my favorite things!

Questions to help you share your stories with your children. Don’t let the stories of your life with your family growing up die with you. Share them!

This week, it’s all about your favorites!

  1. What was your favorite cologne? When you smell it today, does it trigger memories? Did you ever receive cologne as a gift when you were growing up?

2. What was your favorite book? Did you read it over and over? What did you like about this book?

3. What was your favorite song? Do you have songs in your memory that take you back to certain times in your life? What did you listen to when you were a teenager? Rock and Roll or Country? Or something else?

4. What was your favorite movie? Do you remember the first time you went to the movies? Do you remember going to the movies on a date? What are some of the movies you saw as a child growing up?

5. What was your favorite drink? Did your family keep soft drinks at the house? Or was it a special treat when you went to town?

6. Did you follow sports growing up? Did you share this time with your family? Did you ever attend games or just watch, or listen on television or the radio?

7. Did you have a favorite television show? Did your family always have color television? Can you remember seeing your first color television? Who was your favorite television star?

8. What was your favorite restaurant? Did your family go out to eat very often? Did your mother cook at home more? What was your favorite thing your mother (of father) cooke?

9. Did you have a favorite game you liked to play as a child? Did your family play games together? Did you work puzzles together? What are some memories of a special game night you have?

10. What modern conveniences are your favorite? Do you remember your family’s first telephone? Was it on the wall? Rotary dial? When did you get a television with a remote control? When did you get an icemaker? Garbage disposal? Any other convenience you remember getting that we take for granted today?

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