Yoakum Co. Commissioners Court Meets on Monday, October 23

by admin

The Commissioners Court met in regular session on Monday, October 23, where they addressed their weekly agenda.

Before addressing the regular agenda, the Court unanimously approved to audit and settle all accounts against the County and direct their payment. This included $148,954.54 in County bills and $198,712.16 in hospital bills.

Commissioner Woody Lindsey made a motion to approve the purchase of a computer at the jail for mental health assessments. Funds for this purchase will come from an equipment line item. It was unanimously approved by the Court.

Following this action another motion was made to approve out of state travel for Kirk Parrish to attend Golf Turf Management Prep Course from January 8-26, 2018, at a cost of $5,873.00.  This motion was also unanimously approved.

In their next item to consider acting on allocation of funds ($1,500.00) for membership support for Yoakum County 4-H was tabled.

There were no road crossing permit applications, no request for the disposal of county equipment, five-line item transfers, and no Soil Conservation request.

Construction foreman Darin Holubec was present to discuss what is happening this week at the building site of the Denver City Community Building. The anticipated completion date is still set for the end of October.

Commissioners Woody Lindsey, Ray Marion, Tommy Box, and Tim Addison along with Judge Jim Barron were all present for the meeting.

The next meeting will be held on Monday, October 30, at the County Courthouse.

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