Yoakum County Commissioners Court Meets April 11

by admin


The Yoakum County Commissioners Court met in regular session on Monday, April 11, where they addressed their weekly agenda.

It was that time of the month for the monthly reports from the Treasure and Tax Assessor. The balance of the county funds at the beginning of the month was $47,600,299.10 and the ending balance was $47,584,172.24. The Tax/Assessor’s office collected $104,279.65 in taxes during the month of March.

The county also acknowledged receipt of monthly reports from other various departments for March, 2016.

Upon the recommendation of Precinct #2 Commissioner Ray Marion the court unanimously approved a motion to increase the price for the purchase of caliche from $.50 to $1.00.

Yoakum County Hospital Administrator Jerry Osborne was also in attendance where he presented a three year contract between Olympus and Yoakum County Hospital for a scope cleaner. Osborne said they would make 3 annual payments which had a total price of $44,077.85.

County Judge Jim Barron thanked Sheriff Don Corzine for his part in a recently completed successful jail inspection.

The Court also unanimously approved a petition to Riley Exploration Operating Co., LLC for the right and authority to bore, lay, construct, install, occupy, use, operate, maintain, repair, replace and remove poly line under county road 125.

Zack Holbrooks with the South Plains Public Health District was also present where he presented an updated version on subdivision regulations. The updated version centered around the addition of a drainage system to the drainage plan.

There were two computer related items to be disposed, no line item transfers, and no soil conservation request.

There were no updates on the Senior Citizen building. Commissioner Ray Marion said there would be a representative present with preliminary plans for the new Community building at the next meeting.

Judge Barron also introduced Doug Sims who is involved in the Land Management for Yoakum County. Sims had no official business, but was wanting to meet the Commissioners.

In auditing and settling all accounts against the County the court approved to pay all bills from the General Fund which totaled $60,171.86, Precinct 1 bills totaled $3,423.73, Precinct 2 bills totaled $22,200.38, Precinct 3 bills totaled $9,930.99, Precinct 4 bills totaled $12,939.84, Juvenile Probation/TJPCA $503.67, Yoakum County Airport $18,788.96, and Yoakum County Landfill was $14,478.76, for a grand total of $142,438.19.

In medical bills $193,398.91 was paid from the hospital funds, $12,608.38 to West Texas Medical Center, $3,228.51 to the Plains Clinic, and $742.90 to the Plains Lifestyle for a grand total of $209,978.70 of hospital bills.

In other medically related bills $1,209.60 was paid to Home Health, $9,428.21 to Dialysis, and $1,938.61 to Dispro for a grand total of $222,555.12 in medically related bills.

Commissioners Woody Lindsey, Ray Marion, Ty Earl Powell, and Tim Addison along with County Judge Jim Barron were in attendance.

The next meeting will be held on Monday, April 18 in the county courthouse at 10 am.


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