Yoakum County Commissioners Court Meets Nov 4

by Eric

The Honorable Commissioners Court of Yoakum County Convened at 10:00 a.m. in the Commissioners Courtroom of the County Courthouse in Plains, Texas, notice of SPECIAL meeting having been duly posted as required by law.

After looking over the bills a motion was made by Commissioner Marion to approve the paying of the bills. This included County bills that totaled $173,538.64 and Hospital that totaled $195,585.29, and Part-Time Payroll as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lindsey and was unanimously approved.

A motion was made by Commissioner Marion and seconded by Commissioner Lindsey to approve expenditure request by Darla Welch, County Treasurer for the purchase of a printer from equipment line item. The total price is $1,503.38. The motion was unanimously approved.

A motion was made by Commissioner Lindsey to amend the Yoakum County Cafeteria Plan to run 1/1/2020 to 12/21/2020, and to change the maximum employee contribution to $2,700.00.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Marion and was unanimously approved.

A motion was made by Commissioner Marion and seconded by Commissioner Addison to approve the requested expenditure of up to $15,000 (from previously approved Oxy Grant Funds) from Sheriff David Bryant from contingency funds for the purchase of a video storage server for the Sheriff’s Department. The motion was unanimously approved by the Court.

A motion was made by Commissioner Lindsey to approve $85,000 requested funds from Shinnery Oaks that will be applied to the payroll. After being seconded by Commissioner Marion the motion was unanimously approved.

There was no road crossing permit applications, approve the disposal of various items from the Plains Library and a Dodge Caravan being traded in by the Hospital, approved 13 line item transfers, and no Soil Conservation request.

The following members were present Woody Lindsey, Ray Marion, Tommy Box, and Tim Addison and Judge Jim Barron.

Others present included County Clerk Summer Lovelace, County Auditor Darinda McWhirter, County Treasurer Darla Welch, Chief Deputy Robert Whitfield, and Sheriff David Bryant.

Court will not meet next Monday since its Veterans Day, a designated County Holiday. Commissioners will meet on Tuesday, November 12, at 10 am.

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