A Thin blue line

by Eric

By John Ramirez

For those who support the police and the officers who wear the badge, we know the saying “Back the blue.” We know what they mean to the community and what they do for us. They sacrifice time away from families, miss important life events, and more. Those who wear that badge are willing to make those sacrifices knowing that they are serving a higher purpose and for some, they make the ultimate sacrifice.

In a letter sent to us from Brownfield police chief Chris Kotzur stated that “In 2023, one hundred thirty-seven Police Officers in the United States were killed in the line of duty.” And that “Eleven of those one hundred thirty-seven were Police Officers in Texas.” He followed up by stating “So far in 2024, Fifty-six officers have lost their lives serving their communities.” Along with these heartbreaking losses for the immediate families, officers face much scrutiny in today’s society. With such negative attention garnered by mainstream media, police departments have a hard time retaining officers and getting recruits. “Police academy classes are now sadly not filled”, and “shortages are putting incredible stress on the officers” Kotzur would write. With these challenges police departments face, it’s a miracle that they continue to keep this delicate society safe.

As I continued to read Kotzur’s letter I couldn’t help but feel hope for the city of Brownfield. He would talk glowingly about those under his leadership and the work ethic behind his department’s character. Stating “We have worked hard, made some changes where needed and will continue to get better as an organization every day. My hope is that we can build a strong community to police bridge, work on community problems together and make a better life for all citizens of Brownfield.” With words like that one can hope to see change in the community for the greater good of the people.

So, as we look to honor those fallen during police week, we should take time in remembrance of those who are no longer here with us. From Sunday, May 12, 2024, to Saturday, May 18, 2024, the country will look to honor those officers whose duty ended too soon. How can we show our support for police week?

The simplest way is to say “thank you” to those who wear the uniform, you can wear blue to show support, or if you want, you can donate to a memorial fund of your choosing.  With police week right around the corner, let us remember those who are no longer here with us and continue to support those who protect and serve.

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