Brownfield Regional Medical Center CEO Resigns

by Eric

On Thursday, Dec. 9, 2021 BRMC CEO Jerry Jasper resigned from his post as CEO.

Jasper took the position after long-time CEO Mike Click had retired in December of 2016. Jasper began his tenure at BRMC on January 30, 2017.

BRMC Board of Directors Chairman Justin Hesse did confirm Jaspers’s resignation. “Form a board standpoint we were all surprised,” said Hesse. He also went on to state, “We really need someone quickly and there are a lot of unknowns right now.”

The BRMC Board plans to hold an executive (closed-door) meeting Monday evening Dec. 13, 2021. If there is any action taken from the closed-door meeting, the public will be informed. According to Hesse, Jasper gave a 30-day notice.

TownTalk has reached out to Jasper for comment via phone & text, he has not responded.

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