Drive Sober. No Regrets.

by admin

TxDOT’s Drive Sober. No Regrets. statewide, impaired driving campaign encourages drivers to plan for a sober ride before enjoying festivities where drinking may occur. The campaign will run from December 1 through the New Year’s Day holiday and coincides with an enforcement period in which DWI patrols will be at increased capacity looking for drunk drivers on Texas roadways.

Too often, a designated driver is chosen during the evening because they appear to be the “least drunk” person in the group. The designated driver should always be a sober driver who has not consumed any amount of alcohol. Designating a sober driver, calling a taxi, using a rideshare service, staying where you are, calling a sober friend or family member, and using mass transit are the safest ways to ensure you do not drive under the influence.

It’s very important everyone understands the severity of a DWI. When drivers are stopped for being under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, they could face up to $17,000 in fines and fees, jail time and could lose their license.

Remember, it’s the most wonderful time of the year, but one regrettable decision to drink and drive could bring a devastating end to the holiday celebrations. Visit to learn about the consequences of driving impaired and tips to finding a sober ride home. Follow the hashtag #DriveSoberNoRegrets to keep up with the campaign on social media.

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