Making a Difference

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Gina Caswell Kelly

Do you ever have one of those days where your mind is going a jillion different directions and you can’t seem to focus on what it is you need to be doing? I think we all do. Sometimes, maybe we have worries or concerns we really need to lay down. But sometimes we just allow ourselves to get so busy, that our mind simply will not rest. Too much to do. Too many places we need to be. Too many needs around us we need to meet. Too much.

There is good news here. We have a Savior who wants to take away our worries and concerns and He want to give our mind sweet peace. He is waiting to do this for you and me right now.

In Matthew 11, He says, “Come to Me, all you who are working way too hard and are carrying a tough load, and I will give you rest.” He could stop right there and that is enough. Just to know that we can rest in the Savior is enough knowledge for peace, if we would just allow Him to give us rest. But, He goes on, “Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you shall find rest for your soul. for My burden is easy and My yoke is light.”

A couple of things. You already have a heavy yoke on you. Why would you want to take on another? Pretty simple. His yoke is a double yoke. It is meant for a team. But the special thing about His yoke is it pulls to one side. Meaning, He will carry most of the load. You won’t be so tired from your burdens when you yoke up with the Savior. He wants to bear most of the load. Let Him lead and your burden will be lighter.

The other thing? He says “Learn from Me.” Learn from the One that knows where the path is leading. Learn from the One who knows where the row ends. In the old days, when farming was done with a team, the old mule would train the new one. The old mule knew the route. He knew where the row ended. He knew where the stumps were that needed plowing around. He knew the path. It is the same with us when we put on that double yoke of following the Savior. He knows the way. He pulls hard when He sees us trying to venture off. He wants to guide us on the path that leads to everlasting life and peace.

Are you double yoked, or are you still trying to pull the load with that single yoke? Lay down your yoke and put on the double yoke and let God bear your burden. It will make a difference!

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